What is fat transfer to face surgery?

Fat transfer to face is a procedure whereby fat is transferred from one part of the body to the face to add volume, re-contour and restore volume to facial areas that have become drawn with age, to restore a more youthful appearance. Fat cells are removed by liposuction – usually the stomach, thighs or buttocks. These cells are then cleansed and processed, before being injected into the facial area. Results are long lasting, natural and immediate.

Why consider fat transfer to face surgery? 

Facial fat provides the softness and curves of youth to the face. As people age they lose fat from their face and start to appear gaunt. Fat transfer to face is a procedure whereby fat is transferred from one part of the body to the face to add volume, re-contour and restore volume to facial areas that have become drawn with age, to restore a more youthful appearance.

If you look at older people, their face can appear gaunt and drawn. This is due to thinning of the skin and atrophy of fat, muscle and bone from the face.

Mr Olivier Amar

Did you know?

How long does the surgery take?

A small quantity fat transfer may be performed under local anaesthetic, however more extensive fat grafting is performed under total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA).

What effect can smoking and alcohol have on my fat grafting results?

Certain lifestyle factors can increase the risk of complications during and after your surgery. The most common impact of smoking before your surgery is that it increases your chances of developing an infection and inhibits your body’s natural healing processes. We insist that all patients stop smoking and using nicotine products at least six weeks before surgery. Reducing alcohol intake is also strongly advised. This is particularly important for fat grafting surgery in which the fat’s viability post-procedure is materially reduced in a smoker population.

How many of my fat cells will survive?

Between 50 and 70 percent of fat cells survive the transfer process, establishing a blood supply, meaning the results are permanent. Mr Olivier Amar will allow for this in his initial evaluation of the amount to be injected.

Will I have obvious scars following fat transfer to face surgery?

Any fat transfer to face scars are minimal and very hard to see. During treatment, small incisions of around 0.5cm will be made, hidden as much as possible in the natural creases close.

What form of anaesthetic will be used?

A small quantity fat transfer may be performed under local anaesthetic, however more extensive fat grafting is performed under total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA), a technique of anaesthesia which uses a combination of agents given exclusively via the intravenous route without the use of gas anaesthesia. This means you will sleep comfortably throughout the procedure and wake immediately afterwards with a significantly reduced likelihood of feeling groggy or nauseous. The anaesthesia will be explained to you by your anaesthetist during the preoperative consultation.  Having surgery under TIVA allows you to go home the same day to rest and recuperate in comfort.

How can I compliment my overall result? 

Mr Olivier Amar PRP for scalp quality and hair loss Regenlab

Express PRP treatment

The goal of PRP treatment is to rejuvenate your skin and encourage new collagen.


Mr Olivier Amar Neo Laser by Aerolase®

Aerolase Neo laser treatment

Aerolase Neo laser is the ideal partner to facial surgery.


What can I expect after fat transfer to face surgery?

Fat transfer is a straightforward and minimally invasive procedure. As a result, there is minimal downtime required and after the operation pain is usually mild.

Initially there will be bruising in the fat harvesting and reinjection areas, this should settle down between ten and 20 days but continues to improve with time. Swelling appears in the first few days after surgery, this should settle down between 5 and 15 days.

You will be asked to come in for a post-operative nurse appointment one week after your surgery. At this point your incision sites will be reviewed, and your preliminary healing will be assessed. You will come back at six week after surgery to be reviewed by Mr Olivier Amar.

How long do I have to wait to return to normal activities following the surgery?

Depending on your type of daily activity, you will usually be able to resume your normal activities after two to ten days and return to gentle exercise after two to three weeks. Strenuous activity should be avoided for at least 2-weeks. Mr Olivier Amar will discuss this with you in further detail at your consultation.