Liposuction to under chin
What is liposuction to under chin surgery?
Liposuction to under chin – also known as ‘double chin liposuction’ and submental liposuction, involves removing unwanted fat from under the chin and contouring the neck and jawline for a more defined appearance. Using a small thin cannula, Mr Olivier Amar takes care to manually remove superficial fat in such a way as to ensure the skin retracts appropriately for a natural, smooth and toned appearance. Manual liposuction allows for precise targeting of fat deposits.
Why consider liposuction to under chin surgery?
Liposuction to under chin may be a good option for you if you maintain a steady weight and have firm, elastic skin, but still have pockets of unwanted fat in the under chin area. It is important to understand that liposuction to under chin is a great way to remove excess fat, however it does not improve skin quality. You may not be a good candidate for liposuction to under chin if your skin laxity on the under chin and neck area is sub-optimal.
If skin laxity is a concern, rather than simply removing fat, liposuction to under chin in conjunction with Renuvion to chin or neck helps to attain a sculpted silhouette, boost skin retraction and tightening without the cutting of skin.
A double chin or fat deposits to the under chin can affect all patients. You may be genetically predisposed to having a double chin. This area is difficult to address by diet and exercise alone, and worsens over time. Liposuction can provide a dramatic change, define the jawline and improve confidence.
Did you know?
The surgery can take between 45-60 minutes.
Any liposuction scars are minimal. Small incisions of around 0.3cm will be made to under chin and close to the jawline. Mr Olivier Amar is dedicated to the management, prevention and improvement of scars.
What is a double chin?
Double chin, also known by its medical term submental fullness, is a condition which troubles an increasing number of patients. Double chin formation is due to the gradual accumulation of excess fat deposits beneath the chin, neck and jawline. The weight of the extra fat often leads to the formation of an unsightly second neck crease which gives rise to the double chin appearance. In addition, an undefined jawline can also give the impression of a double chin.
A combination of wearing your compression chin garment, maintaining a steady weight, following your aftercare instructions and attending your post-operative appointments is key to achieving the best result. It is vital that you follow all the aftercare instructions issued to help aid the scarring process.
The final result can be best appreciated 6 months after the procedure. It is most satisfactory when the patient selection and technique are properly done, permitting removal of localised fat deposits and producing skin retraction.
Liposuction to under chin may be performed under local anaesthetic or under total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA), a technique of anaesthesia which uses a combination of agents given exclusively via the intravenous route without the use of gas anaesthesia. TIVA means you will sleep comfortably throughout the procedure and wake immediately afterwards with significantly reduced likelihood of feeling groggy or nauseous. The anaesthesia will be explained to you by your Anaesthetist during the preoperative consultation. Having surgery with TIVA allows you to go home the same day to rest and recuperate in comfort.
Can any other procedures be done at the same time?
Liposuction to under chin can be combined with other surgical and non-surgical treatments, such as a mini lower face and neck lift, which focuses on improving the lower portion of the face, or dermal filler for chin and jawline contouring.
If skin laxity is a concern, rather than simply removing fat, liposuction to under chin in conjunction with Renuvion to chin or neck helps to attain a sculpted silhouette, boost skin retraction and tightening without the cutting of skin.
What can I expect after liposuction to under chin surgery?
After liposuction to under chin surgery, you will need to wear a soft, elastic, chin compression garment for between one and two weeks to support the recovery during the healing period (to help with skin retraction and reduce swelling). Bruising should settle between ten and twenty day.
You will be asked to come in for a post-operative nurse appointment one week after your surgery. At this point your incision sites will be reviewed, stitches removed and your preliminary healing will be assessed. You will come back at six week after surgery to be reviewed by Mr Olivier Amar.
How long do I have to wait to return to normal activities following the surgery?
You can shower 24-48 hours following your procedure. After showering, we recommend that you use antiseptic spray, such as Dettol spray, over your suture strips before applying new dressings. Please be aware that liposuction can cause constipation, we advise taking over the counter medication if needed.
Depending on your type of daily activity, you will usually be able to resume your normal activities after two to ten days and return to gentle exercise after two to three weeks. We do recommend keeping active at home during your recovery, with gentle walking.