The most scientifically tested and powerful form of stem cell hair transplant for hair loss is now offered in London by leading consultant plastic surgeon Mr Olivier Amar.
- Grow up to 53 per cent more new hairs within six months.*
- A one-off treatment with lasting results
- Reverse hair loss
- Suitable for men and women
Mr Olivier Amar is proud to introduce the world’s best-tested, most innovative and scientifically-proven stem cell therapy for hair loss at his clinic in London’s Chelsea.
If you are experiencing hair loss, you can now forget applying lotions every day or enduring painful, time-consuming and expensive conventional hair transplants. Kerastem is a minimally invasive, minimal downtime, one-off treatment that doesn’t just prevent hair loss, but can reverse it.
Kerastem Advanced Hair Therapy works by using your own natural fat and stem cells, injected into the scalp. There, they combine to provide a rich, fertile environment which regenerates and stimulates dormant follicles. Studies show that patients treated with Kerastem experience thicker and fuller hair and see new hair growth in balding and thinning areas. Because this stem cell treatment only uses your own biological tissue, there is no risk of rejection or allergy.
Mr Olivier Amar is a leading practitioner in stem cell hair loss treatment and fat transfer and has been appointed Kerastem UK ambassador for south of England.
“The secret to Kerastem’s stem cell hair loss treatment lies in your own natural body fat, which is particularly rich in stem cells,” says Mr Olivier Amar. “These cells have the potential to transform into any kind of tissue. But more than this, we now understand that as we age, we lose fat from our scalp and that hair loss and loss of fat cells go hand-in-hand. Fat cells are essential ‘food’ for growing hair follicles. Restoring a fat and stem cell rich environment to the scalp creates a safe, powerful treatment for triggering growth and restoring lost hair.”
Kerastem stem cell hair loss treatment has been studied in peer reviewed, placebo-controlled studies around the world. Papers published in scientific journals attest to its proven effectiveness. Kerastem has successfully completed the STYLE Trial, a randomized double blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 clinical trial for the US FDA and the Phase 3 trial is in design. The Kerastem treatment is also CE approved in Europe and is approved by the Korean and Chinese regulators.
A study published in Journal of Stem Cells & Cloning found the following results:
• Patients saw an average increase of 31 hairs per square centimetre of the scalp within 24 weeks.
• All patients saw an average of 23 per cent additional hair growth with up to 53 per cent increase in the number of hairs within six months.
The process is simple and takes just under two and a half hours.
First, a small amount of fat is gently removed from any stubborn area of fat in a minor liposuction procedure. This is performed under local anaesthetic. Some of the fat is purified. The rest is processed to isolate and concentrate the stem cells to create a richly concentrated stem cell elixir.
First, the purified fat is gently injected under the skin of the scalp. This super enriched tissue injection is not only regenerative in itself, but also forms a rich ‘soil’ into which the ‘seeds’ of almost half a million stem cells per square centimetre which are then injected.
Mr Olivier Amar says, “This combination offers, in my opinion, one of the most effective and powerful regenerative treatment to regrow hair available anywhere. After this treatment you will be able to return to your busy life and nobody will be any the wiser.”
Unlike a conventional hair transplant, a Kerastem stem cell hair treatment is subtle and discreet. Mr Olivier Amar says, “Even though you see results faster than with a surgical transplant, there are no stitches, no scars and your hair grows in a natural way. In fit and healthy patients with typical male or female pattern baldness or alopecia and no other medical conditions, this is a one-off treatment, and while it is very new, I expect results to be permanent.”
Kerastem is free from the hormonal side effects of Finasteride pills or the inconvenience of Minoxidil lotions and foams. It is suitable for both men and women, with best results seen in those in the earlier stages of hair loss. Mr
Olivier Amar says, “I have been astonished by how promising the results of this treatment. My patients have regrown hair they thought they’d lost forever. They reported having healthier and thicker hair, with a better density.“