Lip Lift
What is lip lift surgery?
A lip lift is a popular procedure designed to create a fuller, more attractive and youthful-looking upper lip and mouth area. Female upper lips are generally closer to the base of the nose and fuller than in men.
For some women, the face can be considered appealing when the front teeth are just visible when the lips are slightly open. This is what gives the Georgia May Jagger look. A surgical lip lift works by shortening the space between the upper lip and the base of the nose, the area known as the philtrum. Reducing this space raises the lip position, increases the visible area of the upper lip for a plumper look and also defines the cupid’s bow, to enhance the curves of the lip.
Why consider lip lift surgery?
Lip surgery provides a permanent solution for women troubled by a thin upper lip or long space between the upper lip and the base of the nose. There are several reasons why you may want a lip lift.
- Some people are born with a long philtrum which can make the lower part of the face appear disproportionate. They may also have a naturally long and flat upper lip.
- Ageing may cause the philtrum to become longer and flatter. As a result, the upper lip may appear to descend and look thinner than before. Your upper teeth may no longer be visible when you part your lips. You might also see a less crisp outline to the lip border and the cupid’s bow.
- You may want a longer lasting alternative to lip filler injections or no longer feel they give you the natural result and plumper upper lip you desire.
My patients sometimes say that when they apply their lipstick, they notice their upper lip no longer looks as full or defined. A lip lift is a comparatively small procedure but can make a big difference to your appearance.
Did you know?
What happens during lip lift surgery?
To achieve a lip lift, a sliver of skin and tissue is removed at the base of the nose. The curved shape is called a ‘bullhorn incision’. The skin below is then raised and stitched into place, raising the lip to the new position.
It is important not to overdo treatment as just a few millimetres can make a noticeable difference to the look of the entire face. It is essential for a natural look that this procedure is carried out by an experienced surgeon with a subtle, delicate and artistic approach.
What form of anaesthetic will be used?
A surgical lip lift is performed under local anaesthesia and takes less than an hour, after which you will be able to recover in the comfort of your own home.
Will I have obvious scars following lip lift surgery?
Stitches are discreetly placed along the base of the nose and the curve of nostrils, so natural creases and shadows disguise the scar. Mr Olivier Amar takes meticulous care to ensure minimal scarring. He is dedicated to the management, prevention and improvement of scars.
When will I see the results of lip lift surgery?
You should expect to see the early results of your lip lift within a couple of weeks post surgery. The results should be more obvious by two to three months after your lip lift.
What can I expect after lip lift surgery?
Lip lift surgery is a straightforward and minimally invasive procedure. As a result, there is minimal downtime required and after the operation pain is usually mild. We strongly recommend resting for 24 hours after surgery and taking extra care around the lip area by avoiding sleeping on your face and avoiding opening your mouth too wide. Using a toothbrush with a smaller head will help.
You will be asked to come in for a post-operative nurse appointment one week after your surgery. At this point your incision sites will be reviewed, and your preliminary healing will be assessed. You will come back at six week after surgery to be reviewed by Mr Olivier Amar.
How long do I have to wait to return to normal activities following the surgery?
Depending on your type of daily activity, you will usually be able to resume your normal activities after seven days and return to gentle exercise after two to three weeks
What are the alternatives?
Non-surgical lip lift
For those patients who do not wish to have surgery, or who would like to ensure total, scar-free discretion with minimal downtime, Mr Olivier Amar also offers a non-surgical lip lift.
Fat transfer to lips
You may also wish to consider fat transfer. This treatment works in a similar way to the standard non-surgical lip lift but uses your own fat as a completely natural, potentially longer-lasting alternative to dermal fillers.