What is liposuction surgery?

Liposuction involves removing unwanted body fat for a better balanced, leaner body. Liposuction is also known as ‘body contouring’ or ‘body sculpting’ or ‘fat removal surgery’. Sometimes liposuction may be used to remove small pockets of fat, such as fat that bulges on the flanks. Or you may wish to achieve a greater transformation, such as a slimmer, more defined abdomen or a trimmer waist.

Why consider liposuction surgery?

Liposuction may be a good option for you if you maintain a steady weight and have firm, elastic skin, but pockets of unwanted fat remain.

It is important to understand that liposuction can only remove soft, superficial fat above the muscle layer – the kind you can pinch between your fingers. It cannot remove intra-abdominal fat (internal fat), the type that lies behind muscles and contributes to the protrusion of the abdomen and it is not a weight loss treatment. Therefore, a combination of liposuction, dieting and exercise is key to a good result.

You should be satisfied with your results if your weight remains stable after surgery. A consultation with Mr Olivier Amar will help you understand what is possible and realistic for your body.

I see many male patients who tell me they want to feel comfortable and look good in their clothes. They want help to reduce a double chin, or to slim their chest or abdominal area.

Mr Olivier Amar

Did you know?

What happens during liposuction surgery?

During treatment, small incisions of around 0.5cm will be made, hidden as much as possible in natural creases close to the areas to be treated. The movement and vibration of the cannula will break down the fat before it is sucked out via the cannula.

Mr Olivier Amar takes care to remove both deep and superficial fat in such a way as to ensure the skin retracts appropriately for a natural, smooth and toned appearance.

Will I have obvious scars following liposuction surgery?

Any liposuction scars are minimal. They can usually be hidden in the navel or below the boxer line and are very difficult to see in most patients. Mr Olivier Amar is dedicated to the management, prevention and improvement of scars.

What areas can be treated?

Areas that Mr Olivier Amar commonly treats in men include the neck and chin, chest, abdomen, flanks, and back. Sometimes liposuction may be used to remove small pockets of fat, such in the under-chin area. Other patients may require more extensive treatment to create a defined upper body silhouette with an athletic ‘v’ shape. Mr Olivier Amar will devise a personalised treatment plan to help you achieve your body goals.


The final result can be best appreciated 6 months after the procedure. It is most satisfactory when the patient selection and technique are properly done, permitting removal of localised fat deposits and producing skin retraction.

What form of anaesthetic will be used?

Small pockets of fat may be removed under local anaesthetic alone. More extensive contouring is performed under total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA), a technique of anaesthesia which uses a combination of agents given exclusively via the intravenous route without the use of gas anaesthesia. TIVA means you will sleep comfortably throughout the procedure and wake immediately afterwards with significantly reduced likelihood of feeling groggy or nauseous. The anaesthesia will be explained to you by your Anaesthetist during the preoperative consultation. Having surgery with TIVA allows you to go home the same day to rest and recuperate in comfort.

How do I achieve the best result AND ULTIMATELY MY DESIRED PHYSIQUE?

A combination of wearing your compression garment, maintaining a steady weight, following your aftercare instructions and attending your post-operative appointments is key to achieving the best result. It is vital that you follow all the aftercare instructions issued to help aid the scarring process.


Having surgery with TIVA allows you to go home the same day to rest and recuperate in comfort. Mr Olivier Amar’s practice is happy to arrange the procedure at a hospital with an overnight stay facility if you wish or assist with a nurse to stay with you overnight, as well as helping you find local accommodation after your surgery if necessary.

Can any other procedures be done at the same time?

Pre and post radiofrequency skin tightening treatments by Renuvion can be discussed for a firmer, more toned result and to support healing.

If you wish, Mr Olivier Amar can utilise fat removed from your body to naturally augment other areas of the body by fat transfer. Fat can also be used in place of artificial filler to rejuvenate your face.

I realise that I am still in the relatively early stages of recovery from my procedures but I wanted to tell you how delighted I am with the results so far. Thank you for your skill and your kindness. I don’t think I would have been brave enough to do it if I hadn’t met you.

Olivier Amar male liposuction abdoment
Olivier Amar male liposuction abdoment

How can I compliment my overall result? 

Mr Olivier Amar Renuvion skin tightening surgery

Renuvion treatment

When fat removal is a priority and skin laxity is a concern, the combination of Renuvion J Plasma and liposuction gives great results.


Mr Olivier Amar Aerolase Neo laser clinic

Aerolase Neo laser treatment

Aerolase Neo laser treatment can be performed 4-6 weeks after surgery to support healing, to help flatten scars and reduce redness and thickness.


What can I expect after liposuction surgery?

After body liposuction, you will need to wear a soft, elastic, compression garment similar to a vest or binder for between two and four weeks to support the recovery during the healing period which is easy to hide under your clothes (to help with skin retraction and reduce swelling). Bruising should settle between ten and twenty day.

You will be asked to come in for a post-operative nurse appointment one week after your surgery. At this point your incision sites will be reviewed, stitches removed and your preliminary healing will be assessed. You will come back at six week after surgery to be reviewed by Mr Olivier Amar.

How long do I have to wait to return to normal activities following the surgery?

Depending on size of the liposuction and your type of daily activity, you will usually be able to resume your normal activities after two to ten days and return to gentle exercise after two to three weeks.